Professional Learning

School Inclusion provides innovative and practical professional learning opportunities that focus on transforming the theory and fundamental concepts of inclusive education into actionable and sustainable practice

Online Courses

School Inclusion provides online professional learning courses that are focused on inclusive education practices. Courses are aimed at building the efficacy of school leaders, teachers, teacher assistants, and allied health professionals to implement effective and impactful practices that support the inclusion of all students.

Courses are highly engaging, providing a range of learning experiences, tasks and resources. Course content centres on the transformation of theory and research into contextual practice. Participants walk away with the knowledge, skills and invigoration needed to take action.

Subscribe to the mailing list for notification of upcoming courses.

Inclusive Education Webinars

School Inclusion facilitates open-access inclusive education webinars (commonly known as Inclusive Education Cafe’s) that respond to inclusive schooling questions and challenges of practice identified by members of the School Inclusion Network for Educators (SINE).

Webinars provide a collaborative and interactive professional learning platform to build knowledge and capability. Webinars draw on a combination of research and experience to conceptualise practice in ways that assists with bridging the theory to practice gap. Content is practical and engaging, and provided both as a live experience and/or as an on-demand recording.

Subscribe to our mailing list for notification of upcoming webinars.


School Inclusion facilitates practical and engaging workshops that equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure all students can access, participate and make progress in the regular curriculum and classroom environment. Workshops are designed collaboratively to ensure they are contextual and responsive to the needs of participants. There is strong focus on providing classroom ready strategies and processes that have been tried and tested in implementation and are known to be sustainable and scalable.

Workshops can be facilitated both virtually or in-person, and can be held for a duration of time that best suits the audience and topic being explored.

To request a workshop experience, please contact us!

Conference Presentations

School Inclusion consultants regularly present on the importance and realisation of inclusive education at leading professional learning events (live and online) across Australia and internationally.

If you would like a conference presentation, please contact us!